Air Deals for Air New Zealand
Air Deals helps you find cheapest domestic Air NZ flights and discover pricing patterns to find the cheapest days to fly.
Discover Pricing Patterns
Use Air Deals to discover pricing patterns and find the cheapest days to fly.
Find Deals!
Air Deals will show you the cheapest Air New Zeland Flight for any day.
Enter The Matrix
Every Possible Price!
With the Air Deals pricing matrix you can compare every possible price at a glance!
Avoid High Prices
Avoid high prices with a simple swipe!
App Store Reviews
Super duper - Stellabonella
A great app to have if you’re a frequent traveller - giving dates of cheapest airfares across months on any day. Loving it.
Love this app!!! - tonks37
Makes it so easy to find cheap Air NZ flights! Really like the heat map view as well.
Great App - Gin_Rox
Found this app very helpful and convenient for a frequent traveller like myself.